It is situated at a distance of 90 km from Nagaur in the southeast direction on Ajmer-Degana State highway-79 at Degana Junction Railway Station.
Its location is Latitude 26° 53' 45.00" N and Longitude 74° 19' 01.00" E.
Temple of Binjal Mata kuvariya khera,Temple of Sheetla Mata, Charubhuja village, Village has got temples of Shitala Mata, Chaumunda mata, Charbhuja, Deonarayan, Vanankatesh, Shiv Mandir, Gaytari Mandir, Veer Teja ji Mandir, Dharmshala hanuman mandir etc. There is an annual cattle-fair in village from Rajathani month Asoja Krishna 1 to 10 Dashahara. Village also has got three Mosques, One Eidgaah for Muslims. Also Muslim Dargaah (Kasnau Baba - Ilahibaksh baba).
Main occupation of people is agriculture and animal husbandry. Village area is 17000 bigha out of which 2000 bigha land is irrigated. Some villagers are employed in eight Masonary stone mines around the village. Some people of the village are also associated with marble industry in Makrana and Kishangarh. Village is fully developed with all modern facilities.